dijous, 28 de febrer del 2008

Worksheet 2


Barcelona is a big city in Catalonia (spain). Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia, is very big and noisy and all the roads are full of cars. There is too more people than the rest of cities of Catalonia (there are more or less two milion people). There are a lot of museums, restaurants, hospitals, parks, schools, shops...

It is located along the coast of the Mediterranin sea, at east of Iberic Peninsule.

Here you have a map

dijous, 21 de febrer del 2008


Worksheet 1


In the rural landscape the reare many farms, horchards, vineyards and country houses. There is not a lot of people and there isn’t cars and roads. There is not any building and skyscrapes, is a lovely landscape.


In the natural landscape are not people but are
wild animals and a lot of trees and flowers, and the floor is covered for grass. There is not polution and the sky is blue. There aren't houses and buildings but there are a lot of rivers and lakes, a lot of woods too.


In the urban landscape there are a lot of polution, in the cities there are a lot of cars circuling on the roads. The buildings are very tall and the shops are big. There are a lot of shops, hospitals, swimming pools, parks... In the city the polution is bigger than natural and rural landscapes.